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Empowered by technology and driven by artistic pursuit

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The key to creating compelling digital content is curiosity and imagination. Combine this with empowering technologies – the impossible becomes possible. In Hong Kong, we’re a one-of-a-kind studio offering Extended Reality (XR) and Virtual Production (VP) capabilities.

We’re a creative agency focusing on creating quality digital content for any medium and platform. Our passion is rooted in advancing the art of storytelling using modern techniques and technologies.

Backed by industry leaders

We are powered by Emmy award-winning Vobile (SEHK: 3738). A worldwide leader in Software-as-a-Service for online video content protection and monetization. Its best-in-class SaaS platforms are widely used by movie studios, television networks, and record labels, enabling effective content protection for rightsholders and accelerating their revenue growth in the digital economy. Vobile has global operations across continents in North America, Asia, Australia and Europe.